3 Lifestyle Changes That Support Varicose Vein Therapy

Varicose veins are a serious problem, unfortunately not just an aesthetic one. Therefore, when you notice their presence, do not underestimate this condition. Act as soon as possible and make the appropriate lifestyle changes that will effectively support varicose vein therapy. What are these changes?
What are varicose veins?
Varicose is nothing but elongated and widened veins. They are most commonly found in the legs. Normally, blood flows in the direction of the heart - from the superficial system to the deep system. However, for various reasons it may flow backwards into the superficial system - it is this process that causes stretching, elongation and widening of the vein.
Genetic factors are mainly responsible for the formation of varicose veins, but there are also a number of external factors that definitely increase the risk of their formation and/or the aggravation of the symptoms associated with them. The most important include, among others: overweight and obesity, pregnancy, sitting or standing at work, lack of physical activity, prolonged exposure to high temperatures. In addition, the likelihood of varicose veins increases with age.
How do varicose veins manifest themselves?
First, they can be seen with the naked eye - in the form of the already mentioned characteristic, blue veins with a winding course on the skin surface. Varicose veins also include "spider veins" or telangiectasias. Although the latter are not particularly dangerous, usually do not cause pain and are primarily an aesthetic problem, it is different with varicose veins of the main vein trunks.
They particularly strongly remind of their existence at the end of the day, when legs after a day's activity are sore, "heavy" and swollen. To this may come many other unpleasant symptoms, also at night, such as painful cramps, burning and persistent itching of the skin. Ignoring such a condition leads to aggravation of the problem and numerous complications such as superficial phlebitis or real life threatening venous thrombosis.
As you can see from the above, varicose veins are not just a cosmetic problem, and therefore when they occur you need to react immediately! How to do it?
How do you effectively support the treatment of varicose veins?
Here are some really simple lifestyle changes that are worth implementing not only during specialized treatment to support and accelerate it, but also on a daily basis - preventively, before the first symptoms appear.
1. a change to a more active lifestyle
Sport is important at all times. However, you must take particular care with regard to exercise if, for example, you have a sedentary job. If, after work, you also prefer to relax passively in front of the television, it is time to change that. Choose an activity which you enjoy. Workouts do not have to be intensive. However, make sure that they are regular.
You can swim, ride a bike or simply walk a lot - more or less at a fast pace. You can also alternate these exercises to avoid the greatest enemy of beginners - boredom and monotony, which quickly contribute to a loss of motivation. If you already have a problem with varicose veins, or if they are common in your family and you are therefore at increased risk, give up weightlifting and similar activities.
In the case of sedentary or standing work, try to take at least short breaks and walk whenever possible. If this is not possible, try at least to move your legs a little while standing.
2. change the way you rest
Everyone says that physical activity is important - because it is. And it can undoubtedly become a form of rest. But just as important is actual rest, when you can just lie down and fully relax. If you like to read a book or watch another episode of a TV show every day, be sure to do so with your feet elevated. Take a moment each day to relax in this position.
Speaking of relaxation, if you love hot, relaxing baths, here's the bad news - you have to give them up. Very high temperatures are not an ally in the fight against varicose veins - sunbathing and sessions in a dry sauna are also a bad idea. Next time, prepare slightly cooler water for bathing. If you like to lie in the bathtub for a long time, you can also relax here with your legs slightly elevated.
3. change the way you dress
It's obvious that you're not going to an important business meeting or a birthday dinner in a stretched out tracksuit, but try to wear clothes that are as light, airy and relatively wide as possible. Also opt for comfortable shoes on flat soles - stilettos, though beautiful and charming, are definitely harmful to the condition of your legs.
In addition, get specialized compression stockings, such as Venoflex products. They are characterised by gradual compression. They improve circulation, thus preventing the development of varicose veins, swelling and unpleasant feeling of heavy legs. Wear them every day and you will quickly feel the difference and a definite improvement.
Choose the right compression level for your needs. Products with a lower compression level act primarily as a prophylactic measure, while those with a higher level of compression serve, among other things, to speed up recovery after varicose vein removal surgery. They come in different thicknesses and colors so you can easily match them to any outfit - after all, "healthy" doesn't have to mean "boring and unfashionable"!
- Dr. med. Frolov M., Varicose vein prevention
accessed: 12.02.2019. - Dr. med. Frolow M., Varicose veins
accessed: 12.02.2019.