Habits that tire your legs

Sometimes we are completely unaware of how much influence the power of habit has on our lives. These can be good or bad, although unfortunately, more often than not, they are negative habits. Even if they don't harm us at the moment, they can translate into numerous problems in the future. What's worse, it is much more difficult to develop healthy habits and break bad ones.
Simple actions, repeated every day, may turn out to be fatal after several years. Today, smoking cigarettes does not cause any harm other than an unpleasant smell or a smoker's cough, but in a few years or so, it may result in lung cancer.
A sedentary lifestyle is nice until, before the age of thirty, you start getting breathless climbing up a flight of stairs, even though you are not overweight. By the age of forty, the first varicose veins appear on your legs - signs of how much attention you have paid to your health in the near and distant past.
Many of the behaviours that contribute to chronic venous insufficiency can be reduced even without the help of a doctor - simply by replacing bad habits with good ones.
Leg muscle pain - the causes
Of course, the one that springs to mind, so to speak, is fatigue. Because we walked too much, stood too much, or met with some other unexpected exertion. Sometimes, however, leg muscle pain may already be one of the signals indicating a developing problem with venous insufficiency. This is accompanied by tingling, numbness, a feeling of tiredness in the legs, as well as swelling in the ankle area.
In this condition, blood circulates more slowly, accumulating in the veins precisely in the ankle area. When we remain in one position for a long time, it is difficult for the blood to overcome the uphill path and fight against gravity. Varicose veins can be the result, i.e., veins stretched by the blood collecting there. Genetic load is also one of the causes of this disease.
If our parents had problems with venous insufficiency and varicose veins, there is a high probability that we will also suffer from this problem. However, several other factors can increase or decrease this risk. Good habits in life are enough.
What causes leg pain?
In the case of chronic venous insufficiency, we may feel pain in our feet or have sore and tired legs. We link this to exertion, which is only true to a certain extent. Even if we sit for a whole day, e.g., 8 hours at work, in the evening we may also feel such discomfort.
This is where good habits come in handy to counterbalance the habits that harm our legs. Most of the time, we don't pay attention to how we sit at work. We put one foot in front of the other, we spend hours pressing on various points of the body, we don't get up from the computer even for a moment, turning our desk into a command centre with coffee and snacks on the spot.
The problem in women can be exacerbated by inappropriate shoes with too high a heel. Not least, something we don't usually associate with leg pain: clothes that are too tight. Their pressure is not evenly distributed but concentrated in one place. Most often in the waist, in the groin, just above the ankles, and also around the chest. That is, everywhere where ill-fitting underwear, socks, or tight jeans can put pressure.
Leg and buttock muscle pain can also be triggered by prolonged standing. Each extreme in this case has negative consequences. It is also worth paying attention to the load we put on our bodies.
It is enough if we add to the lack of physical activity and improper diet and alcohol, and extra kilograms start to appear at a dizzying pace. Also, cigarettes are not conducive to cardiovascular health or health in general.
Treatment for tired legs
The best way to find out how to get rid of bad habits is to gradually replace them with positive ones. It will be difficult to make changes overnight, so give yourself time. Start with healthy sitting. This is a particularly important issue for those people who have a sedentary job.
It cannot be avoided, but it is possible to invest in a healthy chair, which gives the possibility of adjusting the height of the seat and backrest. The backrest should strongly support the lumbar section of the spine.
It is also a good idea to get up as often as possible during work, for example, to walk to the photocopier. You can also try to move your feet under the desk. A good way to relieve tired feet is to place them on the backrest of a sofa at a 15-degree angle so that they do not become overextended.
It's also worth going through your wardrobe and throwing out anything too tight. By the way, this is a good reason to go shopping. Positive habits also mean eating healthily. It will be worth replacing fast food and other highly processed food with greens and fruit.
If the problem of tired legs does not go away, it would be a good idea to consult your doctor about wearing compression tights or knee socks. This special type of clothing, which thanks to gradual compression, helps improve blood flow.